Intellectual Property Right

Intellectual Property Right

Copyright & Trademark

CRTL use to take protection in the original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression like multimedia development, books, pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works etc. Various multimedia, sculpture and software are developed based on various theme that are deployed in museums for the visitors and copyrighted by CRTL. CRTL also obtained trademark that convey intellectual and emotional attributes and messages about the product and services. The list of some of the multimedia that are copyrighted and also trademark are provided below.


  • 1. Interactive Falling Balls

    Computer Programme, System Analysis & Design.

    It is a customized image processing based virtual reality software titled ‘Interactive Falling Balls’. The software grabs the live video of a person and superimposes it on a virtual space eliminating the background of the person with the help of real time image processing. In the virtual space, animated multi-coloured balls are generated continuously falling from top. The person can interact with the virtual balls with movement of his body.

  • 2. Volcanoes of the World

    Computer Programme, System Analysis & Design.

    It is a customized multimedia software titled ‘Volcanoes of the World’. The software renders a map navigation interface for exploring different volcanoes of the world with the help of popup pages having text, picture and video.

  • 3. Water: Our uncertain future

    Computer Programme, System Analysis & Design.

    It is an interactive multimedia software titled ‘Water- Our Uncertain Future’. The software provides a touch based interaction with rising animated bubbles. When bubbles are touched on screen, they explode leaving popup messages on different aspects of water conservation.

  • 4. Tourism of Bihar

    Computer Programme, System Analysis & Design.

    It is a customized multimedia software titled ‘Tourism of Bihar’. The software renders a map browser interface for exploring the tourist spots of Bihar with the help of popup pages having text, picture and video.

  • 5. Live Virtual Touring through Chromakey compositingâ

    Computer Programme, System Analysis & Design.

    It is a customized image processing based software titled ‘Live Virtual Touring through Chromakey compositing’. The software grabs the live video of a person and superimposes it on a preset video eliminating the background of the person with the help of real time image processing.

  • 6. Book titled: Electromagnetic Induction

    Educational, a Science Demonstration Lecture Guide for performing various experiments relating to Electromagnetic Induction.

  • 7. Book titled: Measurement Mania

    A guide for Science Demonstration Lecture for performing various experiments relating to measurement of everyday commonplace objects as well as invisible forces and matter.

  • 8. Book titled: Peace & Grace

    Booklet developed around the photo-features and art interpretations of sculptures, paintings and architecture of Buddhist art-forms in India.

  • 9. Book Titled: Remote Sensing

    A hands-on activity guide on the basic technique and applications of remote sensing.

  • 10. Book Titled: Resources of Jharkhand

    A booklet highlighting the cultural heritage, natural wealth and industrial advantages that Jharkhand has to offer.

  • 11. Book Titled: Truths from Tales?

    A compendium of legends associated with the Brahmaputra alongside the established geological truths which inspire such tales.

  • 12. Upasthiti Player 1.0

    A standalone media-player (software package) used to play movie when visitors face is detected with a camera i.e. attached in front of the display module. Face or eye is detected in real time by captured frame with camera using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers. It is a machine learning based approach where a cascade function is trained from a lot of positive and negative images. It is then used to detect objects in other images or in movies taken from camera. Here whenever the software detects face or eye in a captured frame, the movie start to play otherwise stops after 1000ms.

  • 13. Addiction Is Curable

    Multimedia software orienting the user with the causes, effects, recent statistics and possible solutions to the menace of drug abuse.

  • 14. Eating Water

    RFID based multimedia software orienting the user with the unimaginable amounts of virtual present in common food items.

  • 15. Emerging India

    Multimedia software orienting the user with the developments in the field of Agriculture, Communication, Education, Energy, Healthcare, Industry, Infrastructure, Innovation of modern India, featuring an interactive quiz.

  • 16. Interactive Map Browser

    Computer Programme, System Analysis & Design.

    It is a customized multimedia software titled ‘Interactive Map Browser’. The software renders a map browser interface for exploring the units of NCSM with the help of popup pages having text, picture and video.

  • 17. Chhattisgarh : A Timeless Legacy

    Computer Programme, System Analysis & Design.

    It is a customized multimedia software titled ‘Chhattisgarh: A Timeless Legacy’. The software pop up pages having text, picture and video with navigating the mouse on the map.


  • 1. Treasure Hunt:

    The mark “TREASURE HUNT” is an invented arrangement of words and not a dictionary word and has no known meaning. An invented arrangement of words is one which is newly coined and which does not indicate any obvious meaning in the sense that it conveys descriptiveness as its primary indication to the person who sees or hears it.